Wednesday, August 29, 2012

"What's Bloom'n in Tucson-Month of August"

Asclepias-subulataAlbizia julibrissinpassiflora_bryonoides
Tohono Chul Park is located in northwest Tucson and their mission is to enrich people's lives by connecting them with the works of nature and native art and culture of the Sonoran Desert region and aspiring wise stewardship of the natural world. Here are some of the flowers that will be blooming this month, the month of August.
Ferocactus wislizeniiAgeratum corymbosumDyssodiaBaileya multiradiataAdenium sp.Buddleia marubifoliaAsclepias linaria
DaturaChilopsis linearisHymenocallis sonorensis Asclepias subulataAntiginon leptopus
Echinocereus brandegeei
Larrea tridentataIpomoea longifolia
Leucophyllum frutescensHaplophyton crooksii
Melampodium leucanthumGaura lindheimeriMaurandya antirrhiniflora
Verbena goodingiiRuellia peninsularisTelosiphonia brachysyphonPhaseolus filiformus
Lonicera semprevirensSalvia farinaceaPedilanthus macrocarpusPenstemon eatoniiPsilostrophe cooperi
Salvia greggiiZauschneria californicaSalvia leucanthaTecoma stans 'Gold Star'Salvia coccinea

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Songs by Raffi

Raffi Cavoukian   

Millions know Raffi for his work as a children’s entertainer whose string of gold and platinum-selling recordings in North America includes his classic “Baby Beluga” song with its beloved melody and lyrics. But a very interesting piece of Raffi’s story is not as well known: Raffi’s pioneering commitment to honouring children and setting up the Centre for Child Honoring based on nine important principles, Respectful Love, Diversity, Caring Community, Emotional Intelligence, Nonviolence, Safe Environments, Sustainability, and Ethical Commerce. For more information on the foundation, please visit 

By clicking the links below, you will here some of Raffi's beautiful children's music. The first is Baby Beluga, the second about a watermelon down by the sea, BananaPhone, and the fourth, a rendition of "This little Light of mine, I'm going to let it Shine."

Friday, August 24, 2012

Scott Broom an Invasive Species!

Scott Broom (Cytisus Scoparius) , while pretty in color is an invasive species that was originally introduced from Europe as an ornamental plant that could be used for erosion control. Being a prolific seed producer, 18,000 seeds per plant, this species has spread quickly throughout the Pacific Northwest. In the process, this plant has had an adverse effect on the  revegitation of upland sites, wetland buffers and attempts at reforestation. The costs to the states to control and remove this plant is in the millions each year. In the photos, one can see this plant in different stages, a flower, a single plant, a few plants and then a total colony on a hillside.

Beachcombing and Blackberries

Ocean shoreline abounds here in Puget Sound, and yesterday time was taken to walk the beaches, and to take in the beauty of the islands, the marine life, and the wonderful ocean air. While walking amongst endless pieces of driftwood and washed up logs, I came upon oyster beds, and to my delight blackberry bushes ready for the picking. Oh, they were so delicious! Towards the end, my hands were stained a crimson red and my legs and arms were stratched a time or two from the thorns of the blackberry briar. While I walked, I sensed a time of changing, as some leaves had turned and appeared to be ready for falling. While the sunshine is still warm and vibrant, I sense that Autumn will soon be here.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Farmers' markets operate in every corner of BC. Farmers' markets sell a wide range of farm-fresh, wholesome foods including fruits and vegetables, organics, specialty cheese, eggs, beef, seafood, jams, artisan products, crafts and so much more!